
2020.01.10 Yayoi Obata (Tokyo Univ Agriculture)
Production of mouse oocytes in vitro

2019.12.24 Chii Jou Chan (EMBL Heidelberg)
Mechanochemical feedback control in mammalian blastocyst patterning

2019.12.20 Kazunobu Sawamoto (Nagoya City Univ)
Neuronal migration: strategies for development, maintenance and repair of the postnatal brain

2019.11.29 Kenjiro Kosaki (Keio Univ Hospital)
Learning Biologic Insights from Patients with Undiagnosed Diseases

2019.11.29 Heath Johnson (Princeton Univ)
Optogenetic dissection Erk-dependent cell fates during embryogenesis

2019.10.25 Mitsuru Morimoto (RIKEN BDR)
Lung development in single cell resolution

2019.09.27 Paul Timpson (Garvan Institute of Medical Research)
Seeing is believing: using intravital (in vivo) imaging and biosensors to guide therapy

2019.09.27 David Croucher (Garvan Institute of Medical Research)
New strategies for precision cancer medicine through mathematical modelling of signalling pathways

2019.09.25 Gregg L. Semenza (Johns Hopkins Univ)
Regulation of Oxygen Homeostasis by Hypoxia-inducible Factors

細胞接着構造を制御する メカノシグナルネットワーク
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