Retreat announcement for cell, developmental, and system biology course
Date: January 25 and 26, 2020
Place: Place: BIWAKO CLUB ( > google map )
Attending the retreat and making presentations are essential for getting credits in this cell, developmental and system biology course. The detailed program will be announced in the near future.
If you want to participate in the retreat, please fill out the following questionnaire, and e-mail us at [at
Deadline is 24:00, Saturday, November 16.
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1. Name (including English name)
2. Affiliation (including English name)
3. Position / Grade
4. We are preparing meals for all participants (dinner and breakfast). If you don't need meals, tell us which meal you are going to skip. And please let us know if you have any food restrictions or allergies. (In this If you answer "I can't eat meat", we don't know whether you can't eat beef, pork, chicken or all.) Please tell us if there is anything else we should keep in mind for you.
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Before replying, please read carefully below.
0. Cost
Free! This includes meals we prepare. Note, if you wish some extra stuff like beverage or alcohol, you have to pay on your own on site. To put it simply, free as long as we fix.
1. Access
BIWAKO CLUB is located in Ohtsu-City, Shiga-Prefecture. We will arrange buses for the participants.
2. Meals
We will make arrangements for those with food restrictions and allergies. Please tell us appropriately. Importantly Note, you In case of vegetarian, what kind of food is acceptable? In flesh, pork, beef or chicken? Again we don't know well about your requirements, so please tell us in detail to avoid any trouble.
3. Presentations
This is NOT finalized plan but basically we plan as below. Details will be announced after the call for participants closes.
All participants are required to make short oral presentations (flash talks) and poster session in English.
4. Guest presenter
Prof. Mitinori Saitou (Grad Sch Medicine, Kyoto Univ)
5. Schedule
Departure time of chartered busses:
from Yoshida Campus to BIWAKO CLUB: at 12 AM on Jan. 25th
from BIWAKO CLUB to Yoshida Campus: at 12 AM on Jan. 26th
Please take lunch before coming. Detailed schedule will be announced later.
6. Questions
Please feel free to contact us (RAs; research assistants) with any questions regarding the retreat. With regard to your credit state, please contact Ikumatsu-san (graduate school of medicine and faculty of medicine, educational course). With regard to earning course credits, please ask Prof. Matsuda.